Events at a specific location are marked on the map using coloured markers like this on. Hover, tap or click to see more information about the event at the location.
When more than one event is happening in the same place, or you need to zoom in to see them they are grouped together like this. Tap or click to reveal the events that have been grouped together.
Events that are moving something are indicated with lines. If we know the direction of travel then arrows will additionally be placed on the line.
If an event took place over an area, then we'll show it as a translucent area. Hover, tap or click to see more information about the event.
Global Empires are shown as coloured areas with stripes. Hover or tap for a tooltip with the information for the Empire.
Works by Marie-Geneviève Grossel:
Grossel 2007(Les toponymes dans la pastourelle médiévale )
Grossel 1994(Le milieu littéraire en Champagne sous les Thibaudiens (1200-1270))
Grossel 2012(La chanson de trouvères: Formes, registres, genres)